
Upcoming Events

I take part in many public speaking events - have been on many panels at SCBWI Conference, etc and am usually booked a year in advance for public speaking events. Do get in touch for availability.

9th November 2021 - I am speaking to Hampshire Writers’ Society at University of Winchester. One hour, 150 people - just me, talking about ‘Creativity - That Elusive Creature.’

21st-24th April 2022 - Chipping Norton Literary Festival - I am delighted to have been asked to run a workshop on Creativity
and judge the short story competition at the illustrious Chipping Norton Literary Festival. More information can be found here.

2nd-5th September 2022 - I will be taking part in ‘Pitching to an Agent’ via one to one’s at the Historical Novel Society Conference at Durham University.

Friday 28th April 2023 - I am taking part in Pitch to the Agent at Chipping Norton Literary Festival.


Byte the Book